Wednesday 10 October 2012

Ground Zero


Ground Zero

Following on from our tour   yesterday we started our day by heading out of town to St. John the Divine’s cathedral.  Until yesterday I had not heard of it.  It is the Anglican cathedral of New York State and claims to be the largest cathedral and Anglican Church and fourth largest Christian church in the world, this honour is however disputed by Liverpool Cathedral who says that the ref. was biased.  It was started in 1892 and remains unfinished today.  Even better it was situated half a dozen stops on the subway north of us and although it doesn’t appear on any of the must do lists is truly worth a visit.

Then back on the subway and all the way down from 106th St. to Ground Zero over a hundred blocks.  The weekly metro card has certainly earned its keep this trip!  The visit to ground Zero is very moving, the huge square waterfalls pour into the two footprints of the twin towers while all around, the rebuilding of the World Trade Centre goes on. 

A silly diversion wad then undertaken,  as we had seen an advert for a pet supply shop called “Dudley’s  Paw”  and as it was only a couple of blocks from where we were it had to be photographed and a present bought for Dudley.


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