Sunday 14 October 2012

Last Day in Washington

13th October - Last Day in Washington   

Today is our last day or morning to be more precise, in Washington.  One thing we omitted to mention yesterday was that the bed in our room was so high that it came complete with a stool to aid access!  No it wasn’t a bunk, that comes later on the train!

John went to the Smithsonian Aeronautical Museum which holds a number of historic planes including the Wright Brothers original flying machine, Bleriot’s airplane and Lindenbergh’s Spirit of St Louis.  It also had the space landing capsule which was amazingly small for 3 men, no place for gas!

We then met up at the Capitol and went to the Conservatory of the Botanical Gardens which housed an extensive collection of tropical plants.  Our walk around was accompanied by a selection of atmospheric music, the whole effect was extremely memorable.   A short walk took us to the Capitol building for a quick look round before returning to the hotel in time for a cultural Guinness (John) before joining the rest of our party to transfer to our train, the Capitol Limited.

On embarking the train, it was rather like being on a school trip with much hilarity and giggling over the size of the accommodation and the shower room/toilet, in which the only practical way to shower was to sit on the toilet at the same time!  And we were one of the lucky few with an ensuite!   After a bit of time in the observation car watching West Virginia & Maryland pass by, we had a very nice dinner in the dining car where we chatted with a larger than life American lady who travelled by train wherever possible in the course of her work. 
There is on board a party of Amish, with their long dresses, beards and bonnets!

And so to bed…………our cabin had been made up with 2 bunk beds, John of course was on top!  A good night’s sleep was had despite the train blowing its horn constantly throughout the night.



  1. Hi, John and Carol,

    What a fabulous tour ! You are doing so much and we are so happy that you are here.

    We made reservations for a later lunch on Sunday at Tii Gavo at the Enchantment Resort in Sedona. It is amazing. Check it out at: Also, the friends we are staying with who run a 1,000 acre ranch near Flagstaff have offered to take us all on a jeep tour of Sedona! It is the best way to see all that Sedona has to offer. I was hoping that we all can do a two hour tour on Sunday morning about 11:00 am and then go to lunch at 2:00. What time does your tour part for the train to Grand Canyon? One of the most amazing parts of our time with you will be on the Oak Canyon Road between Flagstaff and Sedona . We love this part of the southwest and looking forward to sharing it with you.

    Can't wait to see you two this weekend .

    We did install viber today, but when we tried the number you gave us I could not get through. They said those number had not yet signed up for Viber??? Jim and I tried to call each other and it worked, so I am not sure what we are doing incorrectly. What is your country code?

    Our Viber numbers are 13305715828 for Jenny and 13305715837 for Jim. Try and see if you can call us when you are able.

    Hope you are having a good time in Chicago. It is a wonderful city.

    The weather will be perfect in Sedona -- I promise.

    Cherrio! Jim and Jenny

    1. Hi Jenny & Jim that all sounds wonderful and we are so looking forward to it! I have tried to contact you via Viber but it says you are not registered! I think it's quite a tempramental app, our friends in New York had the same problem contacting us. Don't worry we will contact you at some stage from our hotel before we see you. We arrived late in Chicago today due to rail problems and the weather is terrible so we haven't had much time to do justice to the place. We have to leave for Denver tomorrow at noon, we could have done with another night here. Look forward to seeing you so much. Love Carol & John xxx
