Wednesday 31 October 2012

7th October New York

7th October

All Meted out

Today was a little cold and grey and so we intended to spend some of the day in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  If you thought the British Museum was large think twice the size.  The collections are out of this world, from period room settings, actually taken from the houses where they were in situ, to the best collection of European art we have ever seen.  The fruits of capitalism used to plunder European heritage!

In one room there are half a dozen Van Goughs followed by two rooms containing over 30 Monets,  by the end of it we were suffering almost a sensory overload and that is before we got to the Warhol  exhibition.  Many of his classic works compared and contrasted with the works of other artists including two pieces by our own Gilbert and George.  Then as you exit that exhibition you are faced with a pair of amazing Pollocks and so on!

By know we were getting exhausted but not only was it physically difficult to find the way out but it was also emotionally difficult as ever time you turned a corner there was yet another masterpiece which you had to ignore if you wanted to escape.  We eventually left at 3.30pm, tired but happy.  Or at least John was!  Carol had worn small heels so wasn’t so happy!  Sore feet not happy feet!

Then back to the hotel for tea and a rest before going out for the evening with Marion and Ian, friends from Australian who, by yet another coincidence are in New York at the same time as us.  We met in Greenwich Village and had a fabulous meal followed by 2 whiskeys at the Jekyl & Hyde bar.

Metropolitan Museum images 

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